The Jagir of Arni was situated in the district of North
Arcot in the then Presidency of Madras. Its extent was 211 square miles and
comprised of 192 villages. The city of Arni is about 20 miles from Vellore. The Palaces
were situated 3 miles from Arni in Sathyavijayanagaram (S.V.Nagaram for short). It was
bounded on the NORTH by a range of hills which formed the southern boundary of Vellore and
westen boundary of Arcot Taluqs. On the EAST lay the Arcot and Wandewash Taluqs. On
the SOUTH and WEST lay the Poloor Taluq. The population of the Jagir in 1875 was about
80,000. (ie just 380 per sq mile).